A pioneer in the French-speaking and Brussels region, the PMA center at CHU Saint-Pierre was awarded ISO 9001: 2015 certification in October 2008, a guarantee of our quality. This certificate symbolizes the motivation and real commitment to improving the care of our patients. Since then, every year, we have been striving to improve ourselves and have now developed a real quality management system within our team.

Quality guarantee

This enables us to provide our patients with comprehensive and secure care, while aiming for excellence in their satisfaction.

Concretely, what does this entail?

  • We comply with all legal requirements.
  • We have completed our strikte procedures op all the ondersteuningslevels.
  • We record and store all critical parameters within our center.
  • We ensure complete documentary and biological traceability.
  • We record and try to find solutions to all the problems we encounter.
  • We train ourselves every year to maintain up-to-date levels of competence in scientific, technical, and quality knowledge.
  • We evaluate the quality of our work through performance indicators and satisfaction surveys.
  • We communicate through weekly team meetings.
  • We implement projects focused on the patient.
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